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If Joaquin and Chichay were to fall in love I want it to be for the right reasons, and not just because of one aspect of their personalities.


The story is that they’re starting to become friends now, and like Browning said in Sonnet 14, love should be an experience that encompasses everything of that other person.


You love her in spite and despite of everything you know of her: flaws, weaknesses, and strengths.


Some might say that this kind of love is the mature kind, and that may be true, but at the same time, what do Joaquin and Chichay know of each other at this point?


What merits would they have to fall in love?


There is attraction, yes, but love is beyond that, which is why I don’t want them to use the words, “Mahal kita” as loosely as other shows have done.


I want them to discover more of each other.


I want them to become genuine friends.


And I want them to allow themselves to explore that attraction without any labels. That is the magic of first love: uncharted territories.


I want to see awkward pauses and stolen glances; I want to see concerted efforts to take care of each other, to protect each other.


I want to see Joaquin appreciate the person Chichay truly is – I want to see him discover how deeply she loves her family, how good of an artist she is, and how truly and truthfully she cares for him.


I want to see Chichay discover little by little the mysteries that Joaquin has kept hidden. I want her to share his pains. I want her to be there for him in times of difficulties, as a friend, first and foremost.


I want them to have a meaningful relationship before they explore romantic love.


So to answer my question, they’re not ready yet, but they’re on their way to being ready.


But -and this is a very important but- if the show is able to progress them getting to know each other better and becoming essential parts of each other’s lives parallel to the attraction spilling over to romantic love, I will not complain.


Either way, I for one am excited to see that journey.


And rest assured that along with the rest of this fandom, I will be happily anticipating the time when friendship, attraction, admiration transcend to one magical moment when Joaquin and Chichay are ready to fall in love with each other.

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